Jamba Views / Text Button

Text Button

Text Button

A text button acts like a momentary button and is used in practice to trigger an action when pressed. The Jamba text button extends the CTextButton view to:

In addition to the behavior provided by CTextButton, this class adds the following functionality:

  • have a (potentially) dynamic title tied to a parameter (via title-tag / TextButtonView::fTitleTag)
  • handle click conveniently (either inherit from this class and implement onClick(), or provide an onClick listener)
  • optionally handle image (3 states : disabled / off / on)

In addition to the attributes exposed by CTextButton, this class exposes the following attributes:

Attribute Description
title-tag Optional id of the parameter whose string representation (IGUIParameter::toUTF8String()) will be used as the title for this button.
disabled-text-color Color used to draw the title when no image is provided and the button is disabled.
disabled-gradient Gradient used to draw the button when no image is provided and the button is disabled.
button-image The image for the button (2 or 3 frames).
button-image-has-disabled-state Used when drawing the image. If true, the image contains a disabled state (3 frames) otherwise it doesn’t (2 frames).
precision-override Allow to override the precision of the parameter. If set to its default (-1), lets the parameter determine what the precision is (when displaying numbers), but if set >= 0 it will use the attribute value instead.

The image above shows an example of 3 text buttons which when clicked each perform a different action (in this case normalize to 0dB (resp. -3dB and -6dB) the sample). None of the button is tied to any (vst or jmb) parameter because we only care about doing an action when pressed. For this we register a listener.


The json defining the 3 text buttons (Source)

"children": {
	"jamba::TextButton": {
		"attributes": {
			"button-image": "action_norm_0dB",
			"button-image-has-disabled-state": "true",
			"class": "jamba::TextButton",
			"custom-view-tag": "CustomView_Normalize0Action",
			"default-value": "0.5",
			"disabled-text-color": "~ WhiteCColor",
			"editor-mode": "false",
			"font": "~ NormalFont",
			"frame-color": "~ TransparentCColor",
			"frame-color-highlighted": "~ TransparentCColor",
			"frame-width": "1",
			"icon-position": "left",
			"icon-text-margin": "0",
			"kick-style": "true",
			"max-value": "1",
			"min-value": "0",
			"mouse-enabled": "true",
			"opacity": "1",
			"origin": "15, 1",
			"precision-override": "-1",
			"round-radius": "2",
			"size": "48, 26",
			"text-alignment": "center",
			"text-color": "~ BlackCColor",
			"text-color-highlighted": "~ WhiteCColor",
			"title": "0dB",
			"transparent": "false",
			"wants-focus": "true",
			"wheel-inc-value": "0.1"
	"jamba::TextButton": {
		"attributes": {
			"button-image": "action_norm_3dB",
			"button-image-has-disabled-state": "true",
			"class": "jamba::TextButton",
			"custom-view-tag": "CustomView_Normalize3Action",
			"default-value": "0.5",
			"disabled-text-color": "~ WhiteCColor",
			"editor-mode": "false",
			"font": "~ NormalFont",
			"frame-color": "~ TransparentCColor",
			"frame-color-highlighted": "~ TransparentCColor",
			"frame-width": "1",
			"icon-position": "left",
			"icon-text-margin": "0",
			"kick-style": "true",
			"max-value": "1",
			"min-value": "0",
			"mouse-enabled": "true",
			"opacity": "1",
			"origin": "65, 1",
			"precision-override": "-1",
			"round-radius": "2",
			"size": "48, 26",
			"text-alignment": "center",
			"text-color": "~ BlackCColor",
			"text-color-highlighted": "~ WhiteCColor",
			"title": "-3dB",
			"transparent": "false",
			"wants-focus": "true",
			"wheel-inc-value": "0.1"
	"jamba::TextButton": {
		"attributes": {
			"button-image": "action_norm_6dB",
			"button-image-has-disabled-state": "true",
			"class": "jamba::TextButton",
			"custom-view-tag": "CustomView_Normalize6Action",
			"default-value": "0.5",
			"disabled-text-color": "~ WhiteCColor",
			"editor-mode": "false",
			"font": "~ NormalFont",
			"frame-color": "~ TransparentCColor",
			"frame-color-highlighted": "~ TransparentCColor",
			"frame-width": "1",
			"icon-position": "left",
			"icon-text-margin": "0",
			"kick-style": "true",
			"max-value": "1",
			"min-value": "0",
			"mouse-enabled": "true",
			"opacity": "1",
			"origin": "115, 1",
			"precision-override": "-1",
			"round-radius": "2",
			"size": "48, 26",
			"text-alignment": "center",
			"text-color": "~ BlackCColor",
			"text-color-highlighted": "~ WhiteCColor",
			"title": "-6dB",
			"transparent": "false",
			"wants-focus": "true",
			"wheel-inc-value": "0.1"

The listeners are registered in the (sub) controller (as can be seen in the XML section above, the 3 buttons are contained in a CViewContainer where the sub controller is defined as SampleEditController) (Source)

CView *SampleEditController::verifyView(CView *iView,
                                        const UIAttributes &iAttributes,
                                        const IUIDescription * /* iDescription */)
  auto button = dynamic_cast<Views::TextButtonView *>(iView);

      case ESampleSplitterParamID::kNormalize0Action:
        initButton(button, SampleDataAction::Type::kNormalize0, false);

      case ESampleSplitterParamID::kNormalize3Action:
        initButton(button, SampleDataAction::Type::kNormalize3, false);

      case ESampleSplitterParamID::kNormalize6Action:
        initButton(button, SampleDataAction::Type::kNormalize6, false);

// SampleEditController::initButton #L187
void SampleEditController::initButton(Views::TextButtonView *iButton,
                                      SampleDataAction::Type iActionType,
                                      bool iEnabledOnSelection)
  // we set a listener to handle what happens when the button is clicked
  // processAction creates the listener...
