

Jamba is tested on the following platforms:

  • macOS Ventura 13.7 with Xcode 15 installed and Apple Silicon (universal build)
  • Windows 10 64 bits and Visual Studio Build tools 2019 (Visual Studio 16 2019)
  • Windows 10 64 bits and Visual Studio Build tools 2022 (Visual Studio 17 2022)

Other requirements:

  • CMake (minimum version 3.19) must be properly installed (cmake executable must be in your PATH)
  • C++ 17 (available with the platforms/toolchains described above)
  • python 3.7+ (used by the convenient/wrapper scripts provided by Jamba)

New since 5.1.2, Jamba supports building universal plugins on macOS with XCode and Apple Silicon chipset!


On macOS, it is likely possible to use an earlier version (of the OS and Xcode) but it has not been tested


Linux is currently not supported (could be added if there is demand).



Jamba can automatically download the SDK for you but it is strongly recommended to install the SDK as the cloned repository is quite large (over 100MB) and would have to be downloaded again if you delete the build folder.

Download or clone the SDK

You can clone the SDK from Github

# using the branch name (simpler but use less safe tag)
git clone --branch v3.7.13_build_42 --depth 1 --recursive

# using the git hash (more complex but use safer hash)
git clone --recursive
cd vst3sdk 
git checkout --recurse-submodules 8b59557d881bb0158ba08ff256b26f025f078314

Jamba currently uses 3.7.13 which corresponds to the tag v3.7.13_build_42 (8b59557d881bb0158ba08ff256b26f025f078314 commit hash).

  • Due to the fact that most new VST3 SDK releases introduce non backward compatible changes, it is very unlikely that Jamba will just work with a more recent version than the one specified in the table below.
  • The Steinberg website only lets you download the “latest” version so make sure you use the link in the table below.
Jamba VST VST2 VST SDK Git Hash VST SDK Download
7.2.0+ 3.7.13 No 8b59557d881bb0158ba08ff256b26f025f078314
7.1.0+ 3.7.12 No cc2adc90382dded9e347caf74e4532f1458715db
7.0.0-7.0.1 3.7.8 No 0041ef2c879c3c54c03d33cdc11a97eaebfb5752
6.0.0-6.3.0 3.7.5 Yes 56e4b2a644be164c5d324e8bc9de55b964b0f102
5.1.0-5.1.5 3.7.1 Yes 79750cb3e56f3988f33bc178884962cc3f4c3eb9
5.0.0 3.7.0 Yes 3e651943d4747f8af43d10b21227020bc8b7f438
1.0.0 - 4.5.0 3.6.9 Yes 985d945639f5a2f7498d9483e8b5e6d921bcb580

Install the SDK

Jamba lets you configure the location of the SDK via the VST3_SDK_ROOT CMake cache variable which can be set via any means available to CMake or set via the --vst3 option when running the script. If you do not want to have to worry about it you can also install it (or create a link) to a default location:

  • /Users/Shared/Steinberg/VST_SDK.3.7.13 for macOS
  • C:\Users\Public\Documents\Steinberg\VST_SDK.3.7.13 for windows.
  • If you are downloading the zip file, please note that /Users/Shared/Steinberg/VST_SDK.3.7.13 (resp. C:\Users\Public\Documents\Steinberg\VST_SDK.3.7.13) or the path provided via --vst3, corresponds to the folder called vst3sdk in the zip file.
  • If you are cloning the repository, then it corresponds to the root of the repository.



Since Jamba version 7.0.0, Jamba no longer supports VST2. This section is left in this documentation in the event you are using a prior release of Jamba!

If you want to wrap your VST3 plugin into a VST2 plugin you will need the VST2 SDK. Unfortunately Steinberg is no longer distributing it officially and you need to get access to it. Once you get access to it, Jamba lets you configure the location of the SDK via the VST2_SDK_ROOT CMake cache variable which can be set via any means available to CMake or set via the --vst2 option when running the script.


If you download an old version of the VST3 SDK (like 3.6.9 (shasum 256 => 7c6c2a5f0bcbf8a7a0d6a42b782f0d3c00ec8eafa4226bbf2f5554e8cd764964)) it contains the VST2 SDK at the root and this is what you need to copy or link to.


If you donwload the latest VST3 SDK zip file it does contain a VST2_SDK folder at the root but it is an incomplete VST2 SDK distribution. Only older versions of the VST3 SDK (like 3.6.9) contains a valid VST2 SDK distribution.