Jamba is a set of helpers (classes, concepts, build files, etc…) built on top of the VST SDK to provide a lightweight framework to build a VST3 plugin. Jamba has been designed to help in building VST3 plugin, not to replace it: you are still writing a VST3 plugin, not a Jamba plugin.
Jamba is a free and open source project hosted on github. Jamba latest release is v7.2.0.
generate a fully buildable, testable, editable and deployable plugin (see Quick Starting Guide)
automatically download dependencies
Build & Deploy
simple script to build, test, validate, edit and install the plugin from the command line (see jamba.sh (.bat))
build a self contained plugin that depends on the VST3 SDK
optionally wraps the VST3 plugin into an Audio Unit plugin (macOS)
build a universal plugin for Apple Silicon support (macOS)
easily adds resources (images) in a cross platform way
easily write unit tests for your project
build on macOS and Windows 10
package your project as an archive (zip file) for production release
C++ classes & concepts
pick and choose which feature is useful to you (lots of options to override/change the default behavior)
define your VST parameters in one location (inherit from Parameters) and use both in real time processing (RT) and GUI code
define typed VST parameters (ex: a boolean (bool) parameter, a gain (Gain) parameter, etc…)
use typed VST parameters directly in RT processing code as well as GUI code
use Jamba parameters for handling non VST parameters (ex: a label/text string cannot be represented by a VST parameters). Jamba parameters can be automatically saved/restored part of the state
use Jamba parameters to easily exchange messages between RT and GUI (both directions) in a thread safe fashion
easily create custom views with their creators (so that they appear in the GUI editor)
easily use multiple parameters in a custom view (ex: a custom display which displays a gain value (parameter 1) in a color depending on parameter 2)
store/read state in a thread safe fashion (includes version)